Joseph Jenkins Inc.

Publishing, Consulting, Internet Sales, Training and Education

Address: 143 Forest Lane, Grove City, PA 16127 USA

Phone: 814-786-9085; Fax: 814-786-8209

Open online all the time. Our shop and office is open mostly 9-5 M-F, but the schedule varies.


Slate Store Snow Guards Solder Store Training

Look at our full list of books in print.

Joseph Jenkins
Speaking Engagements and Workshops


2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2022 due to a busy schedule.


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2021 due to a busy schedule.


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2020 due to a busy schedule.


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2019 due to a heavy travel and work schedule.

March 17th, 2019: How to Diagnose a Slate Roof Installation. Roof Consultant's Institute Annual Conference and Trade Show, Orlando, Florida, 2:00 to 3:30 pm and 3:45 to 5:15 pm.

How to Diagnose a Slate Roof Installation. Roof Consultant's Institute Annual Conference and Trade Show, Orlando, Florida


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2018 due to a heavy travel and work schedule.

August, 2018: Introducing Compost Toilets to Nicaragua. Tampere, Finland, World Dry Toilet Conference. READ THE PAPER!

April 20th, 2018: Can Composting Change the World? Raccoon Creek State Park, 7 pm.


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2017 due to a heavy travel and work schedule.


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2016 due to a heavy travel and work schedule.

July 1, 2016, Radio Interview: Listen to WISR Radio, Butler, PA, 2016, radio interview about Joe and how he got into slate roofing (about a half hour long).

[Also see: January 15th, 2006: Penn State Public Radio WPSU, Take Note, 7:30 am, Slate Roofs; Listen to this Interview]


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2015 due to a heavy travel and work schedule.

April 13, 14, 15, 16, 2015: BioCycle West Coast Conference 2015, Portland, Oregon, Red Lion Hotel On The River. "Static Pile Composting of Toilet Material in Developing Countries" (see photo below).

Joe Jenkins speaking at the Biocycle West Coast Conference in Portland, Oregon, April 14, 2015

Dry Toilet 2015: 5th International Dry Toilet Conference - August 19-22, 2015; Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland; "Village Scale Humanure Composting by Santo Village, A Case Study"


Please Note: Joe is taking a break from most speaking engagements in 2013 due to a heavy travel and work schedule.

October 26, 2013, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - Third Annual International Health and Development Conference: Public Sanitation Using Hot Compost. Read the Paper!

Joe Jenkins speaking at Cornell, October 26, 2013

March 14-19, 2013 - Roof Consultant's Institute 28th International Annual Convention and Trade Show, Orlando, Florida; How to Survey a Slate Roof. Download the Brochure. Download a PDF of the Powerpoint Presentation.

January 30, 2013 - U.S. Compost Council Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida. The Use Of Human Excrement as a Compost Feedstock [Read Abstract] [Download the Powerpoint as a PDF]

Joseph Jenkins' Speaking Engagements and Workshops



August 22-25, 2012, Tampere, Finland, The 4th International Dry Toilet Conference: Compost-based Sanitation in Post-Earthquake Haiti in Urban and Rural Locations. Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation. Read the paper. You can also view a video of this presentation on Youtube.


Finland Dry Toilet Conference 2012


February 23rd, 2012, 7:45 am, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida: Int'l Roofing Expo, Slate Roofing - How to Install a Roof that will Last a Century (or Two). Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation. Look at the conference schedule.

January, 2012, 5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment Conference (IPWE 2012), January 5-7, 2012, Marrakech, Morocco. Joe presented a paper on the work is doing with Compost Sanitation in Haiti. Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation. Download the paper.



August 5, 2011: Slate Roofing Contractors Assn. Annual Conference, Lancaster, PA: Three video presentations: Installing German Pipe Flashings, International Federation of Roofing Trades Congress 2010, Installing Ice Dam Resistant Eaves.

April 22, 2011: Penn State Dubois Campus, Dubois, PA (Friday - Earth Day) at 12:15-1:15 in Hiller Auditorium: "Humanure - The Inexhaustible Natural Resource."

January 26th, 2011, 10:45 am, US Compost Council Annual Conference, Santa Clara, CA: Composting As a Sanitation Alternative in Post-Earthquake Haiti. See photo above and 15 minute video excerpt below:



November 19, 2010: Belfast, Northern Ireland, International Federation of Roofing Trades 58th Annual Congress; Introducing the Slate Roofing Contractors Association to the Delegate Body

September 13th, 2010 - Yestermorrow Design Build School, Warren, VT, Slate Roofing Course Guest Speaker. Course taught by Liam Tower.

September 11th, 2010 - Slate Roofing Contractors Association 2010 Conference, Fair Haven, VT: Powerpoint presentation on the International Federation of Roofing Trades Congress and the World Slating and Tiling Championships for Young Roofers.

April 25th, 2010 - Allegheny Riverstone Center for the Arts, Foxburg, PA, Lecture Series, Sunday, 2 pm.

Joe Jenkins speaking in Foxburg, Pennsylvania may 25, 2010

April 21st, 2010 - Earth Day Lecture - Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, Wednesday, 6:30 pm (8:00 reception), in the Ohio Room of Kilcawley Center: "Humanure Composting and the Ethics of Sustainability."

March 10, 2010: American Society of Home Inspectors Conference, Pittsburgh, PA; Slate Roof Evaluations (see photo below)

February, 2010: PASA Farming for the Future Conference. When, Saturday, Feb 06, 9:10 am. Where, Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, PA; Humanure: The Missing Link in Sustainable Agriculture (photos below):

Joe Jenkins speaking at PASA 2010


January 16, 2010, 2pm - 2:45 pm : Humanure and Sustainable Agriculture - Future Harvest/CASA 11th annual conference January 15 and 16th, 2010.  The conference will be held at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV (see photo below).

Joseph Jenkins speaking at the CASA conference.


November 20, 2009: Slate Roofs - Roof Consultants' Institute Region I Meeting – Marriott Cleveland Airport Hotel, 4277 West 150th Street, Cleveland, OH, 44135

November 9, 2009: McPoop - Marin Composting Portable Odorless Outhouse Project, Monday, at 7 pm, in the Church Space at the Dance Palace in Point Reyes Station, California; for more information visit or call Peggy Rathmann @ 415-662-9820 (see photo below). Download and listen to the presentation.

Joe Jenkins speaking at Marin County, California

August 12-15, 2009 - 3rd International Dry Toilet Conference: Tampere, Finland, "Humanure Sanitation" (download the paper, download the powerpoint presentation in PDF format). The Conference is organised by The Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland, in cooperation with Tampere University of Technology, TAMK University of Applied Sciences and University of Tampere. Photo of Dry Toilet Lecture Hall shown below.

July 1st - 4th, 2009 - Slate Roofing Contractors Association 2009 Conference: Frankfort, KY - "Fundamentals of Slate Roof Consulting." The SRCA group is shown below.

Slate Roofing Contractors Association 2009 Conference


October 30, 2008 - Permaculture Solutions Lecture Series presents: Humanure - 6th Street Community Center, 638 East 6th Street, Manhattan, (between Avenues B and C); Transportation: F train to 2nd Avenue (1st Avenue & Houston) & walk north to 6th Street and East a few blocks or Any train to 14th Street & then M9 or M14A, M14C or M14D bus east to 6th Street; suggested donation $5

July 31-August 2, 2008 - Natural Building Colloquium, Bath, New York (Peaceweavers); Humanure Composting presentation and a Slate Roof Installation demonstration. See the video clip of the slate roof installation below:

Natural Building Colloquium slate roof 2008

April 22, 2008 - Earth Day - Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA, "Humanure and the International Year of Sanitation." Read the thank-you letter from Edinboro.

Prescott College Humanure Poster


March 12, 2008: Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona, "Discussing the Disgusting - Humanure and the International Year of Sanitation."




October 19-28, 2007: Natural Building Colloquium, Kerrville, Texas - October 19-28. Humanure

Thursday, October 11 - Saturday, October 13, 2007: International Preservation Trades Workshops, Frederick, Maryland.

August 3rd, 2007: Natural Building Colloquium, Bath New York

January 26, 2007: Wesley Grange, Wesley, PA: Mongolia Travelogue


January 10, 2006: Grove City Kiwanis, Grove City, PA; "Slate Roofs"

January 15th, 2006: Penn State Public Radio WPSU, Take Note, 7:30 am, Slate Roofs; Listen to the Interview

February 3, 2006: 15th annual Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture Conferenceat the Penn Stater Conference Center in State College, Pennsylvania. "Humanure - the Misunderstood Manure"

February 15, 2006: International Roofing Expo, Las Vegas Nevada. Topic: "Installing Slate Roofs and Avoiding Common Mistakes."

February 23-March 14, 2006: (tentative dates): Mongolia humanure composting project via PADCO.

Joseph Jenkins, Inc. - Mongolian humanure sanitation project

Humanure toilet presentations in Mongolia, late winter, 2006.

March 23-24, 2006: Traditional Slate Roof Installation for Architects: National Slate Technology Center. Total hours: 12; Thursday 12:00 pm until Friday 5:00 pm; Maximum participants: 15; Cost: $300. National Slate Technology Center • PO Box 196, Poultney, VT 05764

Joseph Jenkins, Inc. - slate roofing course for architects

May, 2006: Mongolia humanure composting project via PADCO (continued).

Joseph Jenkins, Inc. - Mongolia Humanure Sanitation Presentation

September 10, 2006 - American Society of Home Inspectors, Pittsburgh, PA Sheraton Hotel; contact Brendan Ryan at 724-898-1414. What Home Inspectors Should Know About Slate Roofs

Joseph Jenkins speaking at the American Society of Home Inspectors Conference, 2006

10-27/28, 2006: 10th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW); Holy Cross Neighborhood, Lower 9th Ward, Post-Katrina New Orleans. Slate Roof Repair

Joseph Jenkins demonstrating at the IPTW, 2006


April 10, 2005: Westminster College, PA - 2nd Annual Progressive Conference, hosted by the Westminster College Green Party

April 30, 2005: Saturday, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm: Traditional Building Exhibition and Conference, Pennsylvania Convention Center, in the heart of historic Philadelphia; Title of presentation: Traditional AmericanSlate Roofs: Their Anatomy, Maintenance and Repair

June, 2005 Building With Spirit, a Regional Natural Building Colloquium, June 25 - July 2, 2005; Thunder Mountain Retreat Center, Bath, New York. (Slates donated by Camara Slate Company.)

Natural Building Colloquium, Bath, New York, slate roof installation

Natural Building Colloquium East, 2005, slate roof installation


Joe Jenkins demonstrating at the Slate Roofing for Architects Course in Vermont

September 25th, 2005: Newport News, VA, American Society of Home Inspectors Tech Talk Seminar; Helping Preserve a National Treasure: What Home Inspectors Need to Know About Slate and Tile Roofs; 7:30 am to 11:30 am.

October 1, 2005: Jennings Environmental Education Center's Nature Writers Book Fair

IPTW 2005 at Belmont Technical College, slate roof installation


October 7-9, 2005: 9th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW); Belmont Technical College, St. Clairsville, Ohio. The IPTW is the annual conference held by the Preservation Trades Network (PTN). IPTW-2005 will feature workshops on finishes, carpentry, slate roofing, masonry, plaster and timber-framing. Keep checking for updated information. (Slates donated by Camara Slate Company.)

November 18, 2005: Ohio Composting Association annual Conference. Theme is "Composting Different Feedstocks." Jenkins Presentation topics include: "Nova Scotia's Municipal Recycling Program," and "Humanure Composting."


January 14, 2004: 7 pm: WYEP (radio), Pittsburgh: Humanure Composting

January 23, 2004: 7:30 pm, WQED, Pittsburgh (TV): Humanure Composting

Joe Jenkins in Ponferrada, Spain demonstrating slate roofing techniques

April 22 , 2004: Boston Renovation and Restoration Trade Show, Thursday, 10:30 am to 1:30 pm, Room 207: W11: Everything You Need to Know About Slate Roofs: Fabrication, Installation, Repair and Restoration

September 14-17, 2004: Ponferrada, Spain: American Slate Roofing (part of the 4 hour presentation included a demonstration of American slating tools and techniques, shown in photograph below with Joe Jenkins)

October 21 through 24, 2004: International Preservation Trades Workshops, Mobile, Alabama: Slate Roofs

2004: International Preservation Trades Workshops, Mobile, Alabama: Slate Roof Demonstration

November 4, 2004: Institute for Learning in Retirement, 10:30 am to 1 pm, Center Presbyterian Church, Slippery Rock, PA: Slate Roofs

November 7, 2004: Friends of Ohio Barns, Dawes Arboretum, Ohio: Slate Roof Repair on Barn: Postponed until May, 2005.

Archived List:

-- April 14-15, 2015
Biocycle West Coast Conference, Portland, Oregon, "Static Pile Composting of Toilet Material in Developing Countries."

-- October 26, 2013
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY - Third Annual International Health and Development Conference: Public Sanitation Using Hot Compost

-- March 14-19, 2013
Roof Consultant's Institute 28th International Annual Convention and Trade Show, Orlando, Florida; How to Survey a Slate Roof. Download the Brochure.

-- January 30, 2013
U.S. Compost Council Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida. The Use Of Human Excrement as a Compost Feedstock [Read Abstract] [[Download the Powerpoint as a PDF]

-- August 22-25, 2012
Tampere, Finland, The 4th International Dry Toilet Conference: Compost-based Sanitation in Post-Earthquake Haiti in Urban and Rural Locations. Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation. Read the paper. You can also view a video of this presentation on Youtube.

-- February 23rd, 2012
7:45 am, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida: Int'l Roofing Expo, Slate Roofing - How to Install a Roof that will Last a Century (or Two). Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation. Look at the conference schedule.

-- January, 2012
5th International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment Conference (IPWE 2012), January 5-7, 2012, Marrakech, Morocco. Joe presented a paper on the work is doing with Compost Sanitation in Haiti. Download a PDF of the Powerpoint presentation. Download the paper.

-- August 5, 2011
Slate Roofing Contractors Assn. Annual Conference, Lancaster, PA: Three video presentations (Installing German Pipe Flashings, International Federation of Roofing Trades Congress 2010, Installing Ice Dam Resistant Eaves).

-- Earth Day, April 22, 2011
Penn State, Dubois, Pennsylvania: Humanure, the Inexhaustible Resource

-- January 26, 2011
US Compost Council Annual Conference, Santa Clara, CA, presentation on Composting As a Sanitation Alternative in Post-Earthquake Haiti

-- November 19, 2010
Belfast, Northern Ireland, International Federation of Roofing Trades 58th Annual Congress; Introducing the Slate Roofing Contractors Association to the Delegate Body

-- September 13th, 2010
Yestermorrow Design BuildSchool, Warren, VT, Slate Roofing Course Guest Speaker.

-- September 11th, 2010
Slate Roofing Contractors Association 2010 Conference, Fair Haven, VT: Powerpoint presentation on the International Federation of Roofing Trades Congress and the World Slating and Tiling Championships for Young Roofers.

-- April 25th, 2010
Allegheny Riverstone Center for the Arts, Foxburg, PA, Lecture Series, Sunday, 2 pm.

-- April 21st, 2010
Earth Day Lecture - Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio, Wednesday, 6:30 pm (8:00 reception), in the Ohio Room of Kilcawley Center: "Humanure Composting and the Ethics of Sustainability."

-- March 10, 2010
American Society of Home Inspectors Conference, Pittsburgh, PA; "What Professional Home Inspectors Should Know About Slate Roofs."

-- February 6, 2010
PASA Farming for the Future Conference, Penn Stater Conference Center, State College, PA; "Humanure: The Missing Link in Sustainable Agriculture."

-- January 16, 2010
"Humanure and Sustainable Agriculture" - Future Harvest/CASA 11th annual conference at the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) in Shepherdstown, WV

-- November 20, 2009
"Slate Roofs" - Roof Consultants' Institute Region I Meeting – Marriott Cleveland Airport Hotel, 4277 West 150th Street, Cleveland, OH, 44135

-- November 9, 2009
McPoop - Marin Composting Portable Odorless Outhouse Project, Point Reyes Station, California

-- August 12-15, 2009
3rd International Dry Toilet Conference
: Tampere, Finland, "Humanure Sanitation"

-- July 1-4, 2009
Slate Roofing Contractors Association National Conference, Frankfort, KY. "Fundamentals of Slate Roof Consulting."

-- 10/30/08 Permaculture Solutions Lecture Series presents: Humanure - 6th Street Community Center, 638 East 6th Street, Manhattan

-- 7/31 to 8/02, 2008 Natural Building Colloquium, Bath, NY (Peaceweavers): "Slate Roofing" and "Humanure."

-- 4/22/08 Earth Day Edinboro University, Edinboro, PA, "Humanure and the International Year of Sanitation."

-- 3/12/2008 Prescott College, Prescott, Arizona — " Humanure"

-- 10/19-28/2007 Natural Building Colloquium, Kerrville, TX: Humanure

-- 10/11-13/2007 IPTW 2007, Frederick, MD: Slate Roofing

-- 8/3/07, Natural Building Colloquium, Bath, NY: Slate Roofing and Humanure

-- 1/26, 2007 Wesley Grange, Wesley, PA: Mongolia Travelogue

-- 10-27/28-2006 10th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW); Holy Cross Neighborhood, Lower 9th Ward, Post-Katrina New Orleans. Slate and Asbestos Roof Repair.

-- 9-10-06 What Home Inspectors Need to Know About Slate Roofs, American Society of Home Inspectors, Pittsburgh, PA; 8 am to 1 pm

-- 3/23-24, 2006 Traditional Slate Roof Installation for Architects; National Slate Technology Center, PO Box 196, Poultney, VT 05764

-- 2-15-06 International Roofing Expo, sponsored by the National Roofing Contractors Association, Las Vegas, Nevada; 1.5 hour Powerpoint presentation: Installing Slate Roofs and Avoiding Common Mistakes.

-- 2-3-06 Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Penn State University, 1.5 hour Powerpoint presentation: Humanure, the Misunderstood Manure.

-- 1-10-06 Kiwanis, Grove City, PA: Slate Roofs

-- 11-18-05 Ohio Composting Conference, Wooster, Ohio; two presentations of approximately 1 hour each: Nova Scotia Composting and Humanure — Composting the Unmentionable

-- 10/7-9, 2005 9th Annual International Preservation Trades Workshop (IPTW); Belmont Technical College, St. Clairsville, Ohio. Slate Roofing.

-- 10/1, 2005 Jennings State Park (Pennsylvania) Environmental Education Center's Nature Writers Book Fair: Self-Publishing.

-- 9/25, 2005 Newport News, VA, American Society of Home Inspectors Tech Talk Seminar; Helping Preserve a National Treasure: What Home Inspectors Need to Know About Slate and Tile Roofs; 7:30 am to 11:30 am.

-- 6/25-7/2, 2005 Slate Roof Installation; Natural Building Colloquium East — Building with Spirit; week long slate roof installation demonstration, including two 1.25 hour Powerpoint presentations.

-- April 10, 2005Self-Publishing: A Ten Year Retrospective,” 2nd annual Progressive Conference, Westminster College, PA

-- Oct. 22-24, 2004Slate Roofing,” International Preservation Trades Workshops, Mobile, Alabama; two 1 1/2 hour presentations;

-- Sept. 15, 2004American Slate Roofing,” Ponferrada, Spain, 3 hour Powerpoint presentation

-- April 22, 2004Everything You Need to Know About Slate Roofs: Fabrication, Installation, Repair and Restoration,” The Restoration and Renovation Exhibition and Conference, Boston, Mass. (three hour Powerpoint presentation with some live demonstration)

-- March 25, 2004International Slating Styles,” “European Roofing Schools,” and “How to Use the NSA Website,” at the National Slate Association annual meeting, Boston World Trade Center (about 30 minutes total).

-- Oct. 9-11, 2003Slate Roof Restoration — Flashing Chimneys,” International Preservation Trades Workshops, sponsored by the Preservation Trades Network, Colombia, MD; (2) hour and a half presentations.

-- Sept. 9, 2003 Grassroots Recycling: Getting the Most Out of Your Home Composting Program (“Going Beyond the Garden”); Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA; Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania, 1 hr. presentation: Humanure Composting

-- August 6, 2003Nova Scotia’s Composting and Municipal Recycling Programs,” Butler Outdoor Club, Butler PA, 40 minute Powerpoint presentation.

-- April 25, 2003Slate Roofs on Barns,” 45 minute Powerpoint presentation plus a separate hand’s on demonstration, Ohio Barn Conference, Chillicothe, Ohio.

-- April 12, 2003Humanure — Composting the Unthinkable,” 45 minute Powerpoint presentation, Green Design Conference and Competition, Penn State University.

-- February 21, 2003:Following the Leader — Nova Scotia Composting Shows the Way,” 45 minute Powerpoint presentation, Green Building Alliance, Brown Bag Lunch Discussion, --Pittsburgh, PA USA.

-- February 5, 2003Following the Leader — Nova Scotia Composting Shows the Way,” 1 1/2 hour Powerpoint presentation, Slippery Rock University Seminar, Slippery Rock, PA USA.

-- January 30, 2003Following the Leader — Nova Scotia Composting Shows the Way,” 30 minute Powerpoint presentation, US Compost Council annual conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

-- August 2002Slate Roof Restoration,” International Preservation Trades Workshops (sponsored by the Preservation Trades Network), Fairmont, WV; (2) hour and a half presentations.

-- May 23, 2002The Future of Composting in Pennsylvania,” 30 minute Powerpoint presentation, 2002 Pennsylvania Compost Conference, State College, PA (PADEP sponsored).

-- May 6, 2002What Roof Consultants Need to Know About Slate Roofs,” Roof Consultants Institute 17th International Convention and Trade Show, Galveston, Texas; two presentations, each 1 hour and 15 minutes

-- February 23, 2002Slate Roof Restoration,” Old House Fair, Victoria Hall, Bloomfield, PA; one 45 minute oral presentation.

-- January 31, 2002Composting Dairy Manure,” Composting Symposium, Sponsored by Southern Alleghenies Resource Conservation and Development Councils and Agriculture Today and Tomorrow Committee with further funding by Western PA Watershed Protection Program and Canaan Valley Institute; Morrison’s Cove Memorial Park, Martinsburg, PA. Panel format with 5 other speakers, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.

-- October 2001Slate Roof Restoration,” International Preservation Trades Workshops, sponsored by the Preservation Trades Network, Brooklyn, NY; (2) hour and a half presentations.

-- September 2001 Home and Garden TV interview regarding slate roof restoration (episode 401, aired April 7th, 2002 — see below).

-- August 2001Close Encounters of the Turd Kind,” Solar Living Festival, sponsored by the Institute for Solar Living, Hopland, CA, one 50 minute presentation.

-- November 2000Slate and Tile Roof Restoration,” International Preservation Trades Workshops, sponsored by the Preservation Trades Network, Harrisburg, PA; (2) hour and a half presentations.

-- November 1999Slate Roof Restoration,” International Preservation Trades Workshops, sponsored by the Preservation Trades Network, Gaithersburg, Maryland, (2) hour and a half presentations.

-- October 2, 1999 Panel:“The Environmental Movement,” Convocation of the Invisible Universe, sponsored by Chelsea Green Publishing, Shelburne, Vermont — Discussion with Alan Atkisson (author of Believing Cassandra); Donella Meadows (co-author of Limits to Growth and Beyond the Limits); and Nancy Jack Todd of Ocean Arks International.

-- November 1998Slate Roof Restoration,” International Preservation Trades Workshops, sponsored by the Preservation Trades Network, Gaithersburg, Maryland, (2) hour and a half presentations

-- August 1998 “Halifax Radio Interview: Humanure,” sponsored by CBC Public Radio, produced by Maritime Noon, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

-- 1998Humanure Composting” presentation, Northeast Organic Farming Assn (NOFA) Annual Conference, New Hampshire.

-- 1998Humanure Composting” presentation, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

-- 1998Humanure Composting” presentation, survival skills school, Maine.

-- June 1998The Influence of Effluent,” Interview by BBC Radio for inclusion in a three-part series, produced by Sheila Dillon.

-- June 7-13, 1998Slate Roofs,” and “Humanure Composting,” separate presentations, Natural Building Colloquium East, Davidsonville, Maryland.

-- May 1998 Howard Stern Radio Interview, bumped for a walk-in transvestite, then rescheduled a week later: Humanure

-- April 1998Slate Roofs,” sponsored by the Historic Franklin Preservation Association, Franklin, Pennsylvania.

-- October 1997Keynote Speech: Simple Alternatives: Birth to Death” and “Self-Publishing,” Committed Living for Sustainable Community Conference sponsored by Community Service, Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio.

-- October 1996Humanure Composting,” Simple Living Conference, sponsored by Community Service, Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio.

-- Earth Day, 1995Humanure Composting,” The E House, Pittsburgh, PA.

-- 1995Humanure Composting,” Villa Maria Convent, Villa Maria, PA.

-- 1990A Peace Activists View of the Gulf War,” public speech, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, PA.

-- 1990A Peace Activists View of the Gulf War,” WFRA Radio interview.

-- 1987Sunflower School” radio interview, PBS, Erie, PA.